Thursday, October 7, 2010

21-15-9 KB snatch and PU

21-15 and 9 rep rounds of:
Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood
Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood


  1. Those guys doing this in around 5 minutes is whacked. 4 people within 1 second of each other too. Not me boys.

    TT 10:42 RX'd.

    KB snatches got tough. KB got dropped a couple of times and of course going from KBSnatch to PU was evil, as coach intended.

    I have some makeup WODs to do, been mtn biking though. Going to Aspen today and tomorrow for work. New job is going very well lately... excited!!

  2. I don't have a 1.5 pood, so I did 65# one arm barbell snatches all the way to the ground each time and dead hang ring pull ups on a 15,12,9 breakdown. My time was 9:50ish, so I figure that was a pretty fair sub. Got the blood flowing.

  3. I like the subs but why the reduction in reps?

  4. To equalize the amount of work and loading and keep the time about the same.

  5. OK I'm back. Had to give the legs an extra day's rest after that squatfest, so I made this one up on Friday. I did it rx'd like the mainsite vids; kind of felt like I was just doing glorified swings, but so be it. There was no way I was doing full squat snatches yet.

    TT = 8:55


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