Sunday, October 24, 2010

21-15-9 225DL/135OHS


  1. Ouch. A bit hung over so this one was a helluva headbanger. I scaled OHS to 115#.

    TT = 13:15

    Last time I went 115-105-105 on the OHS and was over 14mins, so that makes today a good improvement. But it sure didn't feel good.

  2. 12:04. I used 135, but I struggled with rom did it barefoot cause I forgot my shoes. Tough as shit.

  3. This WOD sucked...

    Jacob 9:55 Rx'd

    DL 21-12/3-6/3
    OHS 18/3-12/3-6/3

    Then tried 135lb walking lunge for distance, not very far

    Jacob 75'

    Last max unbroken GHSU

    Jacob 115 reps

    Now to enjoy the beautiful weather.

  4. I took a rest day, I was beat from yesterday's double.

  5. Did this one last night. I got through the first round with 135, but went to 115 for the rounds of 15 and 9.

    TT = 13:03

    Taking a night off. Had a helluva past couple days - two presentations, a term paper, and a final. I'll try to get a double in tomorrow. Later fellas.


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