Sunday, November 14, 2010



  1. WODoers: Sore as hell today. Used all the weight I have 315#.


    Going to enjoy my rest day.

  2. Couldn't get in the weight room Friday night because of a damn basketball game, and forgot the gym closed at 5 on Saturdays. So, I was coming off of a couple days off, but not on purpose. Anyway, did this one as the second half of a double. Subbed 300 single unders for running so that I wasn't running up and down stairs with only 12 minutes to work out.

    275 - 3 rounds + 300 singles

    I think my deads have gone backwards. I definitely need to do some more work on these.

  3. I went back and redid the 5/26 WOD "Crazy Core Day" and it took me a minute longer than last time (24:52 today)... cos I can't move very fast right now with the hip injury. That thar is a pretty good core workout. I found that putting the parallettes closer together, straight down under my shoulders... was helpful.

    Another big reason the time was slow was that I did not kip on the situps. I held my hands behind my ears which makes them a lot harder and a lot slower.


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