Monday, September 12, 2011

4 rounds run 400 15 thrusters 15 pullups



  1. Did this one early was the sun was just coming up. My buddy Heath came over and did this with me.

    TT 17:47 Those main site dudes are something else. Last round went 10/5 on thrusters and pullups

    First two rounds thrusters unbroken.

    Going to the Bronco game tonight, doesn't start til 8:15 so won't be home til 1 AM then have to get up at 6:30 for an all day meeting downtown at which I have to give a dazzling presentation to a bunch of executives. that will hurt!!

    Justin, I love you. That picture is DOPE.

  2. WODoers: Would love to try this with a body that was not broken, but that was not the case today. 18:56 nothing but pain.

  3. Very Fran like WOD. Add in the runs = Extra suckage. All sets of Thrusters unbroken, Pullups not so much. Killer WOD. Have fun at the Broncos game Craig. Justin love the pic.

    TT: 17:11


  4. Hey guys you miss me? I've been slack on the WODs, too much work and my son's football practices & games. I decided that this one looked too sucky too much to miss, and it sure was sucky. You all win.

    TT = 19:15

  5. WODoers: Got taunted into doing Fran this morning by a buddy who was passing through from Denver. I told hime there was no way my legs could do it after this run thruster pullup wod, but I did it anyway. Way way off of a PR. 4:54. The worst part is it still destroyed me completely like it always done, but the hurt was much worse with no pr to console me.


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