Friday, September 16, 2011

Double Unders and 200M runs


  1. Double unders are starting to click. Wife took this little video after the WOD when I was ass kicked... and this was my worst performance of the day but whatever... just trying to inspire Chris and Chas that if you practice you can eventually get them somewhat efficient. I was usually able to do about 5 unbroken, got 10 or so a few times. Also got one or two several times, but it is getting better.

    TT 13:24. Main site dudes are freaky

    Measured out 200M with a rolling measuring thingy so I was running precisely 656 feet each round

    Then I did 100 "1/2" GHDs (just to flat back but up on bench so suspended in air, touch toes) in 4:14.

    Going on big mountain bike ride tomorrow. That'll be painful.

  2. Nice job doing this RX'd. I need to get me a speed rope. So for me it was side to side over a barbell for the DU's. Spanked me good.

    TT: 8:07

    My youngestt son just started getting back into the CF for kids as well. That's awesome you've got Luci doing it now.

  3. WODoers: Had a good day at olympic lifting class today. I got 2 five kilo prs. 115kg push jerk and 140kg front squat. Progress was nice.

    Holy six pack Fletcher. I think you need to drink an extra beer or two. How do you have a six pack like that and no muscle up...That's like buying the Mustang with the V-6?!

  4. I don't know man... I'm just not as strong as I look I guess. and I weigh about 220 and I'm tall (6'4"ish). Weaver says tall heavy dudes have a much harder time with MUs but that doesn't mean they can't do them. I just don't get it. Must be technique. Some day I am going to cut a hole in my garage cieling and hang the straps from way up in there in the roof thingies.

  5. V-6 with an automatic whine transmission.

  6. OK Fletcher so that video convinces me that my rope is TOO SHORT. I've tried a bunch of times with so little success that I reluctantly have to blame my equipment. Since that means I've got to buy a new rope, I'll probably make up this WOD tmw morning with the Chris sub, and maybe double it up with FGB after.

  7. Justin you shut it!

    Chas, go here:


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