Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fight Gone Bad!


  1. WB - 75
    SDHP -60
    BJ- 60
    PP - 60
    Row(I subbed 1.5 pood KBS)- 60

    Total: 315 think that's a PMFR for me

    Forgot how much this one sucks ass

  2. NIce work Chris!

    Yesterday I did 2hours of tree cutting & brush clearing. Today I switched up FGB because it's such a pain to time it when you're alone. Instead I did my version of "300" which was 20 reps of each for time, 3 rounds, 1min rest in between. I got work time of 4:25, 4:30, 5:01.

  3. Hey guys - I am fired up. I destroyed this WOD for a PR by 26 points. WTF? It was the WBs and PPs.. I had a goal to do 30 reps each round of each, and not worry about the other stuff as much. Score: 345 PMFR big time. Spanked me hard.

    WB: 90
    Sumos: 59
    Box Jumps: 60
    Push Press: 90
    Rowing: 46

    Saturday Chelle and I did a big steep climb on mtn bikes, then went out to dinner... drank plenty. Then yesterday went to Breckenridge for Octoberfest and had some beers, then went out for pizza and a couple of more beers. I thought all of the indulgence was going to tank my performance this morning but I just got tough mentally and pushed through the groggy crappy way that I felt.

  4. Actually I just checked my numbers again... actually got 343, still a PR by 24!


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