Saturday, September 24, 2011


Seven rounds for time of:
35 pound Dumbbell hang squat clean, 18 reps
18 Pull-ups
135 pound Power clean, 10 reps
10 Handstand push-ups


  1. Toughest WOD for me in a long time. Just as hard mental as it was physical. I had to dig deep to finish.

    As RX'd: 46:44

    RIP Santiago

  2. Subbed running 26.2 miles. Talk about the toughest wod I have ever done. 1/2 way point in 2:17 and then mile sixteen was cramp city. It was all I could do to finish. Lost of walking and attempting to run for 30 seconds or so without cramping up. I am completely fucked up 2 hours later. TT: 5:35ish. Last 8 miles definietly took hero wod mentality to finish.

    Later fellas I will be taking a couple of days off.

  3. Agreed... this was extremely, EXTREMELY hard. Justin, you are amazingly strong in all ways. I hope you recover OK. That is sick.

    In round 6 I tasted metal in my mouth, felt sharp pains in my chest, and felt dizzy and nauseous. And you know what, that's too bad.

    TT: 38:17

    Scaled PCs to 100 lbs for my back, and did HSPU's head to floor first two rounds, then to abmat.

    I don't really know how I finished that. The heroes always inspire me to be tougher than I think I am. RIP Santiago. I am wasted.

  4. Kudos to all of you guys. I had a planned DNF on this one - I ran a 5k to make up for the last WOD, then plowed into it for three rounds. 5K was 27:45, which is good for me especially cause it was on my hilly course. Then 3rds of Santiago in 23:50. Even just those three were brutal. I truly felt that I'd need to stop and eat something if I was going to go thru all seven rounds.

  5. Yeah Justin!! Damn good effort.
    Hope all you fellas are well. TW


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