Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weighted Pullups 3-3-3-3-3-3


  1. Chas: Glad to hear you are alright, sorry to hear about what a pain in the ass that must be.

    Chris: Nice comeback from your surgery, sweet met con times lately.

    WODoers: 50x3, 50x3, 50x2, 50x2, 50x2

  2. Thanks Justin, it took awhile but I'm getting there.

    35x3,40x3,45x2,45x3,45x2 1/2

    Couldn't get the 3rd one in the final 2 sets to save my life.

  3. I did this right after the tabata PPs and Lunges. Not sure why I spanked you guys so bad on this one LOL! :-)

    I did palms in chin-up style just like the pros in the games. I swear I did full-on maxed out arm extension for each rep ALL the way down. If you guys think I am full of it I'll do a video :-)

    54-64-74-79-81 1/2 (2)

    was using the 54 lb KB and adding weights with the belt.

    third rep of 79 was barely done, but it was done. stopped 1/2 way up... heaved, kicked, heaved, kicked, and got that chin up. Actually touched the underside of the bar with the underside of my chin. Going to be away for the next 3 days again on a family trip, but might get up at 5:30 tomorrow and do today's WOD before we head out at 7. Depends on how well and how early I go to sleep.


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