Friday, September 30, 2011



  1. Did this with 45# oly bar and hit the dynamax ball on the bottom of every squat. Did my best on the l-pullups to hold form.

    Monster pr at 38:41 over five minutes faster.

    Just for fun you boys ought to try at least one snatch with the bar, not power squat.

  2. Doing that with an Oly bar would be way harder. Nice work sir. I am still not feeling good... not sleeping good, traveling, around a bunch of little kids, etc. but I have two great WODs to look forward to when I get better. This one and the CF games one.

  3. Pretty big PR here (haven't done this in almost 2 years). Last time 32:04, this time 29:35. RX'd pure. Snatches full ROM and L PU's legs were pretty damn straight every time. I remember last time it was more like "Z" pullups. It's cool to be getting older, but fitter/stronger.


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