Sunday, September 4, 2011


For time:
20 Muscle-ups
25 Lowers from an inverted hang on the rings, slowly, with straight body and arms
30 Ring handstand push-ups
35 Ring rows
40 Ring push-ups


  1. Orlando in 20mins. 'Nuff said.

    I planned for a two-fer today, since I had to drop the kid off at 6am this morning for his first league football game and came home & hit out for a 2.5mi run afterwards. I figured I'd make it downstairs for the FS WOD after the game (we tied) but that just didn't happen. That means that tomorrow it's squats plus this clusterfuck of a WOD. I think I'll do my MU progressions, and I've done a bastardized version of inverted hang lowers, but the ring HSPUs are all up to you Justin. Don't get too much strap burn on your calves.

    But really, this is simply an awesome WOD to aspire to, I'm not kidding. Just going through it even with substitutions will be worth it. Happy Labor Day boys.

  2. Chas: I agree on aspiring to this wod...but it was not in the cards for me yesterday. I was going fishing and I needed to be able to use my arms to row the boat.

    WODoers: I did weighted muscle ups for a one rep max. deadhand, 20 lbs, 30 lbs missed a bunch but then got 2, tried a bunch 50 but there was no way. I feel suprisingly sore from this today.

  3. Damn it you guys.. I caught another stupid cold and I hate working out when I feel like this. Hopefully tomorrow.

  4. Wow this was intense.

    Subs - Jumping MUs, HSPUs to floor for the first 24, then I just couldn't do anymore so did the last 6 to abmat (after many failed reps to floor).

    The rest RX'd. I was strict about ROM and form. Really focused on slowly lowering myself and keeping legs straight on the inverted hangs.

    TT 24:18. Whipped my ass good.

    I'm glad I don't feel sick anymore.


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