Thursday, June 28, 2012

12CTB/12PP/12PST 12minAMRAP


  1. To paraprase the immmortal words of TLC,"Not to proud to band." Hung some bands from the pullup bar to help me with the pistols. I actually got a much better work out cause I was able to keep moving and had full range of motion. 3 rounds + 12 + 12 + 1

    CTB and 115# PP do not make each other easier.

  2. Why did I do this as a 2nd part??? 2nd WOD about 5 minutes after SQT and when this was all said and done my shoulders were SCREAMING!!! After the 1st round, I had to sub 85#PP instead of 115. My back wasn't having it, but I sucked it up and did pretty decent. My form on the CTB's was dreadful towards the end but whatever got the job done.
    4 rrounds +8 PP. I'm wasted. I can barely see the screen I'm so blasted.

  3. Traps are torn, lats are shredded. beautiful


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