Monday, June 4, 2012

Hang Squat Cleans and HSPU's

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang squat clean, 50 pound dumbbells
Handstand push-ups


  1. Tough little WOD. My shoulders are fried. HSPU's slowed be down big time today.

    As RX'd: 9:54

  2. Did 105# bar hang squat cleans. Did 7 HSPs in two minutes then switched to 105# press. 18:27

    It is so incredible frustrating to have completely lose met con ability and gymnastic ability in just 8 short weeks of oly training.

    There is a reason coach is called coach. It feels good to get back on the mainsite, but it is beyond difficult not to just start throwing shit and punching holes in the garage wall in the middle of the wod. I cannot believe how low my capacity has gotten.

  3. Hey guys... hotel WOD today.

    5 rounds for time:
    15 dumbbell curls 35 lbs DBs (only pull I could do)
    15 med ball pushups (hands on med ball)
    15 weighted situps (25 lb dumbbell under chin)
    15 front squats (45 lb dumbbell up under chin)

    17:53. Harder than I thought it would be. Good WOD. med ball pushups are a killer..

  4. Did this one last night after the minutes of pullups.

    TT = 2:40 - in NBA time

    TT = 10:28 in actual time

    HSPU's got pretty ugly. Didn't realize how the cleans were smokin my shoulders til the end.


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