Friday, June 29, 2012

8 rounds of STRANGE

1 comment:

  1. Did you guys not read this WOD, or what? :-) I was in Crested Butte on a mountain biking trip, that's my excuse. I was burning 2,000 calories a day climbing mountains. Well, I am disappointed in my performance here, but maybe it's more like.. I realize my limitations and I am not a 22 year old college football player, which it seems like is the target audience for this WOD. DId you see this bastard?

    8 rounds of run 600M, 11 54 lb WPU, 11 walking lunges with each arm holding a 54 lb KB, and then 11 thrusters, each arm holding a 1.5 pooder.

    I subbed 600M rows, did the rest RX'd, and did a mere FIVE rounds, and got destroyed. 34:17. I knew that if I kept going I was going to pass out or throw up and at age 40, it just didn't seem necessary to keep going, so it is what it is. My hat is off to you if you do 8 rounds. Plus my gym was running about 80 degrees when doing this sunufabitch. So there. Peace.


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