Wednesday, August 15, 2012

15 minute AMRAP: KBS, BJ's & RD's

10 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
10 Box jumps, 24" box
10 Ring dips


  1. Holy freaking soreness!! Man my body is hating me, but god damn it feels good to be back . I'll hit this one after to work.

    Later fellas

  2. As Rx'd: 7 rounds + 10 KBS + 10 BJ's + 2 RD's

    I expect at least 9 rounds out of Craig "Lord of the Rings" Fletcher.

    Ready for rest day.

  3. I used a 25# kettlebell and everything else RX'd.
    9 rounds and 2 KB swings.

  4. Chris thanks for throwing down the challenge. I read it this AM at work and was determined. I only have a 54# KB (gave the 70 to the fire department a year+ ago - that thing hurt me) so I kept things real by doing 13 reps per round instead of just 10. Figured that way I was still moving about the same amount of weight.

    9 rounds + 8 KBS. Hauled ass on the last two rounds... pushed freaking hard.

    First time I have done ring dips in 6 months I bet. It used to hurt my shoulder but some stretches Weaver showed me have made an amazing improvement.


    Chris - awesome to have you back buddy.

    Dudes, being a Fortune 500 CTO is a bitch.

  5. Are you guys actually doing the shoulder touches the ring standard or are you just going a little past 90 degrees? I have been trying to touch shoulder to rings on all reps lately.
    6 rounds + 10 + 10 + 6
    Rings dips really slowed me down.


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