Thursday, August 23, 2012



  1. I think a fair sub for the 200M swim can be attained from the workout posted 2 weeks ago (probably on purpose in light of this hero WOD)... where it had ten rounds with rest in between of the below. So take any of the other events and double them for a fair sub for a 200M swim. I'll do the 1K row version tomorrow probably. I could do the swim, but it's a pain in the booty. I just got a new (used) road bike, but I don't have shoes for it yet, otherwise I would prefer to do that! Next time...

    Swim 100 meters
    Run 400 meters
    Row 500 meters
    Bike 1000 meters

  2. H A R D W O R K!!!!

    Ain't no other way to look at this one.

    I did the 1,000M row sub. Gee that was easy.

    TT 28:29

    Had a 7 minutes/round pace but I fell apart at the end. Was usually doing 3 sets of DBSC's per round, round 4 the clock showed just at 26:00 going into the DBSC's so I banged out 11 of them and just about collapsed. Very tough to get those last 12 done, wanted sub 28 but I could not do it.

  3. If you haven't watched the Big Sky video watch it. Wow! Some strong ass dudes. Froning is unreal


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