Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Power Cleans 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. had fun in the gym this morning... didn't sleep great so this woke me up for the day.

    First I did the 5 rounds of DL's and burpees for a warm-up... I scaled to 185, TT 5:49

    Rest 5 minutes

    Then I did my own rendition of power cleans and went like this:

    5 rounds of 5 unbroken power cleans immediately followed by 15 GHDs and 15 BE's followed by 90 seconds rest.

    TT 13:49

    weights of 5 PC's went:

    135, 145, 155, 175, 200!!

    I wish I were able and allowed to lift heavy, it's fun for me even going "sort of" heavy. I'll admit the last couple of PCs in that fifth set posed a bit of a challenge, but I can do more if my back wasn't messed up. I've been inching my way up lately...


  2. My pop was gone from the thruster run wod I did yesterday. 215 went up but I didn't even feel like I could try 225, which is way below a pr weight for me. Weird day. I think mixing up my rest cycle because of travel messed with my body.

  3. I didn't know where to start but certainly knew when I was finished. I broke 200 but could not for the life of me put up 205. So god damn mental. 5 fucking pounds.

    Oh well maybe next time.

  4. I did 200 5 times in a row you big wuss!

  5. I would certainly hope your big ass could lift heavier than me. If not we've got a problem. You've got 30 pounds on me anyway.

    So pound for pound I'm stronger than you. :)

  6. Quick funny from yesterday. I work for a health club ownership and we were downtown at one of our clubs doing a team building event. We were finished and goofing around w/a few of the trainers when one starts doing hand stands. It soon develops into a HSPU challenge. 3 personal trainers, 3 pitiful efforts. Max was ..3! Now, I'm an IT geek. I pull my wallet and crap from my shorts... and bust out 10 in less than :10. Stunned were they. Ha ha! Points for teh IT geek and Crossfit. 3? Really? If you're going to be my personal trainer, I guess you should pass MY pysical fitness test. Sheesh


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