Monday, February 9, 2015

4 L-climb 8 legless climb 12 rope climb


  1. It is a rainy blizzard here today, so I tried to combine elements of Shawn and this wod. I did 20 lunge steps, 20 push ups, 20 squats then L rope climb first four rounds and legless after that.

    By some miracle I actually did 4 l climbs, even though gymnasts around the world were holding their noses at my "form" Got through round 6 with 2 legless climbs and then called it a day around the 19 minute mark.

  2. It was not a good idea to do this the day after doing Cindy for the first time in a year or whatever... was quite sore. But anyway, I tried it.

    The first two "L Climbs" were kinda good... got about 13-14 feet up and legs were out there pretty good. After that I failed twice and decided I needed to do 20 TTB for good measure.

    Then I did 3 or 4 legless climbs RX'd... then failed, then decided to partition and start doing regular rope climbs so I did about 5 of those, then went back and forth between legless and regular until I had all the regular ones done and 2 legless left... failed legless so I waited a full two minutes, then got one, then failed one, waited about two more minutes and got the final legless. Wow. That was a gut check. 21 minutes to the point of 2 legless left, then like 26 total.

    Then I sat on the ground and did 50 mason twists with a 14 lb med ball (because Josh and Jeff did another core/rowing marathon WOD and I was feeling left out LOL). Then did 30 KBS with the 53 pounder while they finished their last set of KBS. And now, it's time to take the kids sledding for hours. Then, I shall drink and eat and sleep.


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