Monday, February 16, 2015

Filthy Fifty


  1. Did this yesterday. With no bar I subbed dumbbells for Push Press (total weight was 54#s–I held a 12 and 15 in each hand) and KB swings I did with a 15# dumbbell in each hand. All else with RX.

    TT 27:43

  2. Awesome progress. You know we did this in October and you got 29:10?

  3. Progress is good, I wonder how a KB would have changed my time.

  4. Looks like your friend Myles made the main site today. How cool is that?

  5. Sweet! I didn't see that until you pointed it out. He knows HQ pretty well. Would be good to see you on the blog again my man. I hear ARCADIS is outsourcing all of their core infrastructure services? Jason, your time is legit I'd say... 35 lb KBS can be done unbroken.

  6. I went 24:45 on this. All RX'd except for DUs. I can't do them anymore, as much as I enjoy them. They make my knee swell up. So I did 100 mountain climbers. I think time and effort wise it's easily a fair swap. I started the burpees at 16:08. Burpees took me almost 7 minutes as usual in the 50. It's amazing how horrible they are in this context. I think I got a PR, too. I just kept moving!

  7. My 1st "Filthy Fifty" is behind me, and man it was dirty. I subbed a 20" box step for the 24" and subbed good mornings for back extensions using a 20 lbs ball. when it came time for the burpees, I cut down to 25. Total time 28:21 after my changes.

  8. That is correct. Project officially kicked off this week. Give it 18 months and over half of IT will be out of jobs. If that isn't the kick in ass I need to move on, I don't know what is.

    I hear you on posting again man. Good to see a lot of new guys hitting the WOD's and posting on the blog. Hard to believe this has been going on for 6 years now. Viva La CrossFit!

  9. My first filthy 50. That sucked - I have a better name for this exercise! We modified a few steps:

    Did mountain climbers instead of DUs (whatever those are);
    Standing in-place lunges,
    26" box "jumps" & did step-ups instead.

    TT 34:49


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