Sunday, February 8, 2015


Run 5miles. Every 5 minutes do 50 squats and 50 pushups.


  1. Did this rowing an 8K. I figured that if I keep around 1200m per 5minute row that all I would have to do is 6 rounds with the squats and pushups and 1 final 5 minute of rowing.

    Rows were 1218, 1217, 1209, 1180, 1176, 1149, 1151 for a total of 8300 meters with 300 squats and 300 pushups.
    I did break up the squats and pushups by doing 5 sets of 10 of each.
    Total time 1:09.53

  2. Dave, big Kudos to you for doing this much work. That's nuts. I did some DL's before this one this AM, and I basically cut the work in half, I had to get the kids to school and get to work. In other words, I was lazy and didn't get up early enough to do this thing like it deserved. I did 4 rounds of row 800M, 50 squats, and 50 pushups. That seemed like a good workload.

    Did it in 28:59.

  3. you guys are all badasses. I did 3 10s of 135DLs then 4x 800M run/50 squats/ 30 "Joshups"

    Time was 34:45


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