Friday, June 26, 2015

4 RFT Row 500M 15 Push Press


  1. I scaled PP to 115 in concern for the shoulder, but after the first two rounds of snapping 15 unbroken too easily I added 20 lbs and went RX'd rounds 3 and 4. Note to self: Do this RXd next time. First two rounds took 5:50, then adding the weight took a good 30 seconds or so (collars on and off the bar).... went 10/5 on PP round 3, and was determined to do them unbroken in round 4, which I did... but I did stand in front of the bar for 20-30 seconds before attempting such... and henceforth, and hitherto, TT 12:51. Fun little WOD. Went mountain biking with Jeff and our buddy Jay yesterday at 5AM, that was cool!

  2. Josh ran instead of rowing and did 75# shoulder presses TT 13:28

  3. I did this in 14:41 @ 95 LBS and RX'd the Rowing.


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