Monday, June 22, 2015



  1. 15:25.... subbed mountain climbers for double unders, scaled to 1.5 pood KBS (biggest I have), the rest RX'd. Rope climbs were fun at the end.

    Josh went 21:14, did 9 ass to standing rope climbs with a chin up at the top... used a barbell @ 75 for the HSCs, box dips... 45 lb KB

    Jeff same as Josh on squat cleans, 80 single unders, 45 lb KBS, 18:46

  2. Fun Chipper. I subbed barbell HSCs at #65, scaled to 1.5 pood KBs (also the biggest I have) and did towel pull ups for rope climb (21 total, 7 for each climb.)

    TT 15:53


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