Monday, June 8, 2015



  1. I had to scale this one. Cleans x 3 were 185/185/195/195/200 and I do not have a 1.5 pood kettle bell and my ratchet strapped together 25# dumbells would not work for 1 arm snatches, so I scaled to them to just a single 25# dumbbell. It was light in the beginning but really hard by rounds four and five. It would have taken me forever with a 1.5 pood KB. Total time with rest 24:27.

  2. Forgot to post this one, 4 of us did this a week late, last Saturday. We didn't rest between rounds and we did 50 walking lunges instead of running (two of us can't run so we figured all do the same thing there). I scaled the cleans to 145 and did 5 of them instead of 3. KB snatches were RXd. TT: 18:22

  3. I had the pleasure of being one of the 4, with no rest and heavy weight I was dizzy during the last round.

    I did 135 on the cleans and did 5 per round and was RX on the KB snatch. TT: 20:23.


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