Wednesday, August 17, 2011


10 rounds
Sprint 100m
10 Pull ups
Sprint 100m
10 Burpees
Rest 30 Seconds


  1. Man it sucks to see how young those guys are dying. Freedom certainly isn't free, remember to do your part. Take a stand when someone or some thing tries to take away our rights. And thank a veteran every chance you get.

    Did this one all out and fought off pukie for during round six through nine. Got my goal of sub 30 minutes, as Rx'd 29:28.

  2. It hurts... it really does. 24 years old, his whole life ahead of him.

    Chelle and I have this one hell. I also puked a little in my mouth at the end. 29:30. She did 11 rounds with no rest in 30:30. For maybe 4 rounds I did 10GHDs instead of one of the 100M sprints because I was getting knifing knee pain. I think that is what caused the pukey. Man that was a sunufabitch and we loved it. We have new neighbors next door... we got some "WTF" looks. We were high fiving and yelling "woot!" when we crossed runs up and down the driveway. My wife rocks.

  3. From one veteran to another RIP Bradley.

    This one was horrendous. Nice work Justin and Craig/Chelle. I had to dig deep to finish this bad boy. Two of my least favorite things, running and burpees. Runs & Burpees in my back yard, PU's in the garage.

    As RX'd - 28:35

    Glad tomorrow is a rest day. My body needs it.

  4. Nice work Chris! I am a slow runner... and it HURTS! Way to give it hell. This was a hard one.

  5. Thanks Craig! I'm not much of a runner myself. My sprints turned into jogs halfway through. Congrats to all who finished this nasty ass WOD.

    Just out of curiosity do you ever hear from Jacob anymore? My man was a badass at the CrossFit. I've got to say we've got a great group that has stuck with this for almost 3 years now. Which is very cool. I've only met a couple of you but would love to drink beers and WOD with all of you some day. Craig, make it happen!! : )

    Do you hear's rest day. Thank GOD!!!

  6. Chris: Thank you for your service, it is sincerely appreciated. Way to crush that WOD. I am way down with beers...and maybe a half drunk rowing contest:)

    WODoers: I am kind of dibilitatingly sore like when I started CF. I cannot fully extend my right arm and I bascially had to sleep on my back because the tension in my lats was so great they would not allow me lay on my stomach and put my arm overhead. The combination of the minutes of pullups and "Bradley" is brutal. I was trying to work out sore spots with a softball at work and every inch of my lat is tender, even the very bottom of it!

    Viva la Cross Fit,but I can't help but think there will probably not be a pr at oly lifting tomorrow.

  7. You guys all crushed me. Nice job all.

    I did my runs on the treadmill, which I think slowed me way down since I started off the WOD on too slow a pace. So be it. Still a crusher.

    TT = 31:45


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