Friday, August 12, 2011


Go hard for the HERO men!!!


  1. Man I pushed hard at the end to go sub 27, I was trembling profusely and contorting to get that last RPU. TT = 26:59*

    *scaled FS to 135 for my back's sake.

    By round 5 I figured out that if you change ring positions to be more like a tricep press (turn then parallel to your body and bring them in) then you can get them done a little faster, alternate that with regular pushup position. Otherwise your shoulders just call apart. I had 3 failed reps that I can recall, just couldn't do it, had to wait.

    Round times were interesting... sped up last 4 gradually.

    1:50, 3:18, 3:24, 3:35, 3:53, 3:46, 3:41, 3:32

    So there's the time to beat with scaled FS's. Bring it boys.

  2. I think this is my first WOD with ring pushups and man did it suck. Did this out in the garage where I don't have a rack so I had to clean the weight each round. So I decided 185 wasn't going to happen with the cleans, so I scaled to 155. Plus my name isn't Justin the Strong.



    Last couple rounds were a struggle. I broke the pushups up into sets of 5 and alternated position like you suggested Craig. Good call.

    Glad its over

  3. Nice work man, you crushed me. I tried hard too... but you got the "alternate positions tip" you see. :-). I used the same 4 positions the first 4 rounds and that really wore out my shoulders. But I must concede, I got whooped. Really though, we both got whooped. That was a hard one.


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