Friday, August 19, 2011


For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps


  1. Very cool interview with Mikko on the mainsite. Dude is an inspiration and I felt so bad for him when he went down in the first WOD.

    I've never done this WOD so it should be a good one. I'll hit it up later on or possibly tomorrow.

    Thank you Justin. Hope the soreness has subsided. I was pretty banged up from Gator. Took me a few days to heal.

  2. I scaled this one too much, but not enough time to redo it. I'd never done Isabel before, so I used 95#. I'd say that this was also because I just made up "Bradley" yesterday, but surprisingly I don't feel that one too much today. Wait for the DOMS I guess...anyway,

    TT = 3:40

    I hope this one comes up again soon, I'll go up to 115#. Hopefully I'll keep it less than 2x my 95# time.

  3. Chas: No need to wait my friend, that WOD would be the perfect warmup for a heavy day of 5x3 front or back squats, or a follow up to weighted pullups. I have never done it, think I will try on Sunday or Monday.

    WODoers: Back on the mainsite and sore as fuck and somehow that translates into three prs today. I think it is mostly that I have been eating pretty close to a measured zone lately and limiting the evening beers. Happy to see progress again.

    Snatch balance: 96kg PR
    Overhead Squat: 98kg PR
    Thruster: 96kg PR

    Pretty stoked that somehow my body could do a thruster pr after a full hour of oly work and overhead squats.

  4. That was a cool interview with Mikko, "those are the guys who I am hunting next year!" Nice.

    My right hip has been hurting for a while after a few weeks ago when I did a bunch of light snatches and cleans back to back so yesterday for Isobel I just made up my own bodyweight WODs for some tune up work. I haven't been eating very good lately, and drinking more than I should too. Why? I don't know.

    WOD 1 (warmup really):
    20 double unders
    30 situps
    40 burpees
    50 squats
    Row 500M

    8 minutes or so

    WOD 2:

    5 HSPU's to flat
    10 CTB
    15 double unders
    20 burpees
    25 K2E
    30 KBS
    35 BE's
    40 hand release pushups (these were hard)
    45 situps
    50 squats
    Row 1K

    TT 17:04

  5. I did this with 115 came in at 4:01.

    The he-she Clever did it RX'd! That's a man baby!!


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