Saturday, August 20, 2011

MUs and Squats


  1. Justin I would have videoed my attempts at MUs but they are SO FAR away from anything material that I don't see the point. My cielings are too low combined with being 6'4" seems to mean that there is no room for these.

    So I subbed 18 CTBs and 18 RD's per round. Should have done 24/24 but am sore from yesterday's bodyweight extravaganza.

    TT 14:40

    Flew through squats in last round to go sub 15. Finished round 2 @ 10:15 for reference.

  2. Pulled a double to catch up today. Nice job Craig a.k.a "Lord of the Rings".

    Finished round 2 at 10:45 but came up short in the end. Ring dips are still extremely difficult for me with my repaired shoulder, but I'm working on them.

    TT: 15:14

  3. Oh same subs and reps as Craig by the way


  4. Fletcher: I wouldn't tell you this if I didn't like you and respect you. You are a stud and you inspire me all the time with you effort so please don't take this the wrong way, but you are a total pussy when it comes to muscle ups. It is clearly not a lack of strenght but a lack of will. I took my rings to the football field every Sunday morning for months and tried until I cried tears of frustration at my failure, but one glorious day I got and there were tears of joy when I got that first legitimate muscle up. I will officially sweeten the pot. If you provide video proof of a muscle up within the next 3 weeks, then I will give you a $100 savings bond for you kids college fund. Time to man up butter cup. I would love to give that money to your kids so feel free to sent me your failed attmepts and I will give you pointers. Here is a little motivation from Ted.

    Well for these men if they succeed; well also, though not so well, if they fail, given only that they have nobly ventured, and have put forth all their heart and strength. It is war-worn Hotspur, spent with hard fighting, he of the many errors and valiant end, over whose memory we love to linger, not over the memory of the young lord who "but for the vile guns would have been a valiant soldier."
    - Theordore Roosevelt, speech "Citizenship In A Republic", delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910

    WODoers: I had about 14 margiritas at a neighborhood party last nightand boy did I feel like shit today. Rep 9 of rounds 2 and 3 was my goat. I was punching the wall and fighting back those tears of frustation as I watched the clock tick away. Got through it though. As rx'd 20:35.

  5. I love it, love the challenge. Tell me I can't do something and then stand aside. Challenge accepted. I think I will go to the local box a time or two and get some specific direction and then attack. It is true though, I have a low cieling and I am tall. So my first MUs will likely not be done in my own gym. I have some big pine trees in my backyard... maybe I will build a bar between two of them and hang the rings from those dudes too. Thanks for this Justin. Only question is, why aren't you also calling out the other boys? :-)

    PS - Don't want your money, but THANKS for the offer. You work hard for your money. Keep it. Invest it in your future children, which I wish upon you with great earnest.

  6. I'm gonna try to slide by here...

    I did MU progressions from my knees, rings set as high as I could without banging my head on the ceiling. I like this setup; it lets me practice the catch before pressing up, which I'm getting down pretty well.

    TT = 13:00


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