Thursday, August 25, 2011

Nancy Pants


  1. Here there fellars. Spent some time scoping out all around my 1/2 acre where in the world can I do muscle up training, and while we're at it... longer rope climbs. The only thing I can come up with is to build a bar between two trees, the bar would span about 10 feet so it would have to be a big thick bastard. The question is, will it kill my two pine trees to drive 3-4 big ass screws 3" into them? I have a buddy who is an arborist, I will call him and ask about it.

    Today I did yesterday's with a sub, and then added more evil.

    WOD 1: 5 rounds of row 250M damper on 10, 15 TTB done from rings at full extension (hung them really high so I have to stand on my tippy toes just to reach them). TT 12:40. Tried really hard to get sub 12:30 as to average 2:30/round but I couldn't hang on at the end. Man that whooped me harder than I thought it would.

    Rest 10 minutes

    WOD 2:
    50 fully extended (rings in same position as above) ring pullups with false grip. Nose to knuckles. This is for muscle up preparedness.
    50 pushups
    50 situps
    50 squats

    TT 10:46

    Slow, but that's because the false grip pullups took over 6 minutes. My core is spanked, I am spanked.

    Rest day tomorrow, HUGE, grueling 5 hour mountain bike ride Saturday. Will rest Sunday too I am sure. Beat down coming up!

  2. As RX'd: 14:40 (PMFR)

    TGIRD (thank god its rest day)

    Nice work Chas!


  3. I think Nancy and I have a date for Sunday, today was oly day.

    Did 3x95kg squat clean and then failed at 100kg but managed a 2x100kg squat clean after a failed rep, then 102kg push press pr. That was cool. Took about 30 seconds to complete the rep, body went into convulsions and I lost the weight from the top and it hit the rack bases and sent them flying all over the gym. Coach said it counted and that it might have been the longests successful push press rep in history, so that was pretty fuckin cool.

  4. Chas: I hope all is good this morning. Let us know.

    WODoers: Worst performance in years. Not sure what to blame it on but i'll try:

    X-Fit X-Cuse of the Week: I had nothing to drink last night, no beer, no wine, no cocktails, so my blood was too thick this morning to workout.

    As rx'd 17:39 over three minutes slower than pr, thought I was going to die after round one.

  5. Justin, how often do you have nothing to drink? That's a rare day for me!


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