Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CrossFit Games 2011: Workout #8


  1. I actually did workout #8, rested 1 minute, then did workout #9, which is/was the same as #8, but you go for 6 minutes.

    So for #8, the 3 minute variety, I got through 18 TTBs, so 68 points. (Graham Holmberg got 104, and that was in the hot sun after the Games weekend BEATDOWN)

    (rest 1 minute)

    For #9, I got through 28 box jumps. TTB's really slowed me down in this one. Only got 2 more TTBs and 28 BJ's in that extra three minutes. 98 points. (Rich Froning got 143).

    So those guys are fitter and tougher than me. I didn't know that until now. LOL....

  2. Not sure how to score this one, so I'll let you guys be the judged.

    I did 25 SDHP's for the row

    Total reps: 73 or if we are going to call the SHDP's equal to the row 68.

    No time for event 9, late for dinner at my parents!!


  3. Well, I think I have done what I could do. Snatch pulled heavy singles up to 255# yestrday and today did snatch + OHS up to 145 for 75% of one rep max. Mobility tonight and mobility and rest tomorrow and then just have to hope for a pr on Friday. Then I'll be back on the mainsite for a bit until my next goofy idea.


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