Sunday, August 25, 2013

10RFT of C&J, Pullups, Pushups, Squats


  1. I did this without the clean and jerk.
    14:59.74 barely made it under 15 minutes.

  2. Playing the old card, so taking a day of rest or two, maybe three. We just moved into a new place. The house is great for the family and the garage gym is going to be epic, after I recover from three twelve hour days of moving and unpacking the house, I will start on the garage, then I will send an update with some pics when I get it together. The house has vaulted ceilings throughout, even in the garage, so I will have a 14' rope climb in the garage and no more muscle ups in between the trusses, I am stoked! But I am very old, slightly less fat, and very tired and have to get back to "work" now..

  3. Justin that is really cool that you will have a new and improved garage gym. Sounds like it will be warmer than the barn this winter too eh? :-). Having a rope climb at home is awesome. Funny too, one of my 3 consistent workout pals also spend the last week moving, and hence hasn't been over in about 5 days... he is sore as hell from moving, as I am sure you are too. Moving is very hard work. Congrats!

  4. Thanks Fletcher, it will be bad ass. I will post some pics or a video when it gets done. Couldn't really handle another day off though, so I hit this one with 185#s on the clean and jerk and pull ups on the climbing rock trainer thing a ma jig from Metolius. 14:55 as described. I am not sure exactly how I am going to do my pullup bar yet, but I want to make sure it is set up so I can learn bar muscle ups on it. Having the high ceiling is going to be sweet!

  5. Did this this morning.... 14:15 @ 165. Could go a lot heavier on C&J's but you know my deal.

    Been taking bad care of myself lately... drinking too much and eating like shit. Felt that today for sure.


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