Saturday, August 10, 2013

2 RFT of 30 Thrusters and 30 L Pull-ups


  1. Did this with 75#s for the thrusters and dead hang pull ups. Most of the pullups were chest to rings. I missed touching a few so I will not call them that. I wasn't planning on going fast, but I timed it anyways.

    TT 23:29.01

  2. OK this WOD was WAY harder than it looked on paper. Got it in 19:27 RX'd.

    I think fire breathers will get this one in like 8 minutes. Man those thrusters were a bitch. First round was like 10/5/5/4/3/3, right wrist was killing me... put on a wrist wrap for round 2 which really helped. L Pullups were a lethal combo. Did most of those as singles. Took the last two days off from exercise, my body told me to. Last night was the annual neighborhood picnic so I ate about 4X as much as I should have, and also got into the strawberry lemonade/vodka dispenser a few too many times.

    After the WOD I did 30 med ball GHD's with 12 pound ball. That felt like it was tearing my ab muscles.

    Tomorrow AM I plan to cycle to work... might sneak in a WOD first, not sure that will be necessary though.

  3. Oh, second round of thrusters was quite pathetic... went like 5/4 then 3's... lots of standing around.


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