Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Tabata Something Else"


  1. I am at my parents condo in Clearwater, Fl again this weekend, which is why I have not done many WODs on the last several weekends. They have 2 gyms here with a pull up bar and an abmat, so this WOD was perfect. I did do the pull ups dead hang do to the bar just being a door jam one. This is also a PR for me. The last time I did this I did only 253 with only 6 of each exercise.

    Pullups 10,9,5,6,5,4,4,5
    Pushups 16,10,7,6,6,6,7,6,
    Situps 9,9,9,7,9,9,9,10
    Squats 14,14,14,14,14,14,13,12
    Total 404 (338 just the first 6 of each exercise)

  2. Went to see Rush Friday night... partied down, so yesterday was mandatory rest and recovery day.

    Did this this morning, also going on a two hour mountain bike ride this evening so lots of calories will be burned today.

    Pullups - 13,9,7,5,6,6,6,6 58
    Pushups - 18,12,12,10,8,9,7,7 83 (totally fell apart on these)
    Situps - 12,14,14,14,14,15,16,15 114
    Squats - 16's 128

    Total 383

    Dave here are the counts I got for you:
    Pullups - 48
    Pushups - 64
    Situps - 73
    Squats - 109
    Total - 294

    Maybe my math is off. I saw 204 and was like "whoa!" so I had to do a count. :-)

  3. Well I'll be damned. I thought it was too good to be true. I added it up using the computer calculator and I guess if you hit enter instead of equal it is not the same. Thanks for correction, at least that will be easier to beat.

    Hope you had fun at Rush. I haven't seen them live since the Roll the Bones tour in the early 90's.


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