Thursday, August 29, 2013



  1. Really sore today and have a golf tournie tomorrow, so didn't want to do 10 rounds of Cindy + 10 C&J's or I wouldn't have been able to swing the clubs too well. So I did Annie... previous PR was 8:35 new PR today was 7:28.

    I never did less than 30 DU's unbroken until 20/10 which I also did unbroken. Those new Rogue speed ropes with the larger handles are super fast and good. I feel really good doing DU's nowadays.

  2. Funny how I did this 4 days ago... so I edited the post to reflect today's date so I can refer back to it later. I did the weighted dips, rested 5, then did this again today. This time my DU's were awful, and my situps were all strict with hands behind head, elbows flaired out, head to floor, and ass to ankles. Non negotiable on all fronts, making them take literally twice as long. Hence, 12:03.

  3. Damn Fletcher nice work! I had my sights set on you. I even did forty unbroken to warm up, but then when I did the actual wod I fell apart at 25 in the first round. Took me a minute thirty to get the first 50. I pulled it back together and finished it basically unbroken from the 30 situps out, but I couldn't find a pr, 8:59, pr 8:38.

  4. I had a goal of making 30 DU in a row by Sept. I made my goal twice today. Did 35 in row on the first set of 50 and the set of 30. With one day left I cut that goal close. Now I need to work on my situps.

    50 50.13, 2:27.78
    40 1:51.12, 2:19.12 (had some issues on the DU)
    30 53.38, 2:08.98
    20 40:.77, 1:06.73
    10 23.30, 25.17
    TT 13.06.62
    This is, even though the time is not great, a PR for me. Last time was 17:00.04


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