Thursday, August 1, 2013

Run 5K


  1. Did today WOD a little different also. I did 5 1Ks with a "rest" after each. The rest was 20 situps, 20 24kg kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls and 20 pushups. The runs sucked. In my second 1k my left knee started aching. This continued throughout. The last 2 I had to walk/jog them.

    Time for the 1k
    4:46.91, 5:27.91, 6:01.10, 7:02.66, 7:16.06
    Total time running 30:36.24

  2. I PR'd my bike ride in to the office today, but only by a minute. 1:04:31

  3. Hey guys, I'm still laying low. Been doing some PT on the shoulder and it's feeling alot better. In the meantime been doing some running. Hope to be back at next week.

  4. Think my course is 3.2ish. PR for me on this course, not an all time PR though, 28:54. Good workout, didn't just jog it today.


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