Monday, August 26, 2013

12 Min AMRAP: 5 GHD, 7 BEs, 9 OHS @ 95


  1. Woke up feeling rather stiff after 3 WODs in a row and much swimming with all the kids (mine, cousins, etc.) yesterday. Have that golf tournie today, so I figured a core buster like this would loosen me up. Funny thing... now, I feel better than before the WOD.


    9 rounds + 5 GHDs, RX'd. Flipped around to get in a BE at the buzzer but didn't quite make it.

    I want to see someone get 10. I should have.

  2. Only managed 9 rounds + 3 GHD's. Good one though.

  3. Like me, I'll guess that you never really stopped moving in this one. I did all sets unbroken. I still think 10 rounds for regular old guys like us is achievable if we ratcheted up the intensity and speed, particularly on the OHS. Nice work sir, nearly identical performance.

  4. 10 is definitely achievable. I lost a couple seconds here and there adjusting the GHD for situps and back extensions. I don't have fancy one like you. : ) And yes all sets unbroken. My legs are feeling those OHS today! I did like this WOD though.

  5. 10+2 GHD, winded me good. Broke up a couple of sets of OHS 7&2 but tried to keep moving and do quick transitions. My legs were killing me from yesterday, Thursday should be particularly sore for me.

  6. I knew one of you guys would get 10. JTS, you need to move more often. Damn you


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