Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Clean and Jerk 7x1


  1. Weight 205 this a.m. down from 218 about 3 weeks ago. Worked my way up to 205 for a Power clean and Jerk followed by a Hang Squat Clean and Jerk. Felt good about that. Felt terrible about the weak sauce I brought to the Clean and Jerk today.
    215, 225, 235 missed jerk, missed jerk, got it quit

  2. Nice work though sir, you are doing the lifting!

    It's amazing how fast I can gain and lose weight. I went from 234 down to 216, and now a week later I am back to 224 after a week of eating and drinking too much, and not cycling very much. The formula for getting lean is easy, you just have to be willing to do it.

  3. Fletcher,

    Sometimes it helps to think of it in terms of percentages too. If we figure your mean weight for the given example is 225, then a change between of 9 pounds is only 4%, which can easily be accounted for by water weight or other variables beyond your "actual" weight.


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