Wednesday, August 21, 2013


225# Deadlift/Burpees



  1. Felt the hero passion tonight went hard in honor of Donny. 17:07 as rx'd. Upset stomach slowed me down in the second round of 15 because I about shit myself. Lesson learned, deadlifts make the need to shit worse but burpees reduce it, kinda counter intuitive:) First round of 21 in 2:16 last round of 21 in 2:32. I am feeling it. Perfect metcon for my body to utterly and completely destroy me.

  2. Nice work Justin. I couldn't get my ass moving. DL's started getting real tough in the ascending ladder. Burpees were burpees.

    TT: 18:19

    Still here, still working out shoulder is getting better.

  3. 135#s for the DL

    DL 1:14.64, 1:25.8, 1:12.76, 1:12.54, 1:52.23, 2:46.46
    B 1:51.74, 1:39.47, 51.43, 56.67, 1:33.99, 1:59.39

  4. Justin that is so funny "deadlifts make the need to shit worse but burpees reduce it" HAHAHA!!!

    Dave how are you getting such precise timing, using a lap timer around your neck or something?

    I biked home last night, and biked in today... so back on the WODs tomorrow AM. See you then, virtually.

  5. Craig - That is almost correct. I use a Timex Ironman watch with up to 100 splits and an interval timer. I do not use that for the interval timer, too quiet. I use a Gymboss for that or laptop with an interval timer program. Sometimes I use both setting the interval timer to keep pace while timing with the watch.

  6. Timex is the way to go for sure. Only problem is when the workout is really good and really sending me into metabolic disarray I never remember to hit the lap timer for the rounds.

  7. TT 14:55

    Scaled DL's down a little to 205 to preserve my spine so that I can live to be an old man and stand upright with my mutant shattered extra lumbar vertebrae awesomeness.

    I charged hard like a MF'erin' BULL, however. There was much grunting.


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