Tuesday, August 6, 2013

30 Snatches


  1. 75#s and as a hang power snatch. I do not have the flexibility to do this as squat snatch, but I am working on that. I think the weight was good for me because I am still working on technique.

    TT 3:38.26

  2. Awesome morning in the Gym today!

    Did this with 125# (toned it down cos of never healing bicep tendon) that took 5:47.... (power snatches)

    Then did the DL one, toned that down too, did 225 throughout.... still, I was lifting weights

    then.... my buddy Todd was here doing "Whitten", so I joined him for round 4 of that, just to make sure I was completely wiped out.

    I have a golf tournament tomorrow. Need to make sure I can't swing a golf club.

    My hammies were already smoked from Kelly before I set foot in the gym. Viva La CrossFit!

  3. CRUSHED IT!!!!! 3:23 Elisabeth as rx'd! One minute pr, way stoked. Set the timer to go off every six seconds. Made it through 15 just ahead of the count and then just tried to rest as little as possible. Feels so good to pr like that. I could hardly believe it when I saw the clock.

  4. Still Crushed it but it was Isabel, 30 135# snatches not Elisabeth:)in 3:23. I couldn't do the cleans in for that wod in 3:23!


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