Thursday, October 8, 2009

AMRAP row,sumo,pull

AMRAP in 20 minutes

row 250m
sumo high pull 21 reps 95#
15 pull ups


  1. WODoers: No weights yet so I did row 250# and 10 L pull ups. Did 15 L pull ups in round one and knew that there would be too much standing around if I did 15 in every round.

    7 rounds on the dot. I had fun with this one. I don't think my hamstrings would have liked the sumo's they are still sore from the cleans and back ex.

  2. Got 5 rounds plus 250m and 14 sdlhp.

  3. No rower so I subbed 15 1.5 pood KB swings.

    4 Rounds + 15 KB swings + 3 SDHP's

    Craig, I'm going to test drive the rower next week at your place. Looking forward to doing a WOD or 2 with somebody besides myself.

    Peace out fellas!

  4. This was my HQ post last time this WOD came up... Will give it a try tomorrow.

    Warm Up:Got out of bed...
    Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:Row 250 metersSumo deadlift highpull 95 pounds, 21 repsPull-ups 15 reps
    6 rounds Rx'd
    Thought Pookie's half brother Dookie was going to pay me a visit on the last round.
    Comment #70 - Posted by: JacobSZ at February 7, 2009 4:54 AM

    6 rds
    Comment #71 - Posted by: OPT at February 7, 2009 5:08 AM

    Bwt: 141
    As Rx'd
    6 rounds + 1 Row
    JacobSZ, that is funny! I like your warm up and no fun to have "dookie" knocking on the door during your workout :)
    Comment #96 - Posted by: Speal at February 7, 2009 7:52 AM

    #70 JacobSZFeeling as though you're going to meet "Dookie" is never a good thing during a WOD, especially when doing SDHP lol. Guess it at least forces you to keep your core tight though right?
    Comment #116 - Posted by: Eric Gohl 22/5'10/159 at February 7, 2009 9:26 AM

    None the less the shorts stayed clean and I felt I hit the WOD hard, good enough.

    Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
    Row 250 meters
    Sumo deadlift highpull 95 pounds, 21 reps
    Pull-ups 15 reps

    Jacob 6 Rounds Rx'd

  5. Jacob - why in the world would you want to add 20 lbs to those dastardly SDHP's you crazy sunufabee-hatch? Oh yah, trying to get stronger. I tried some 115 lb sumos, those are nasty. That's cool you were jawing with OPT and Spealer. You can whoop those dudes half the time.

    I got 5 rounds in 20:07. DAMMIT! Every second counts don't they? I could have gotten 5 in under 20 had I known I would be this close. That's why we always have to bring FIRE! Back was fine on this one today, which stokes me, cos last time I tweaked my back it was because of the 95 lb sumos (bad form actually, got tired and started slumping over during sumo's).

    I like your theory Justin. I've had numerous colds this year cos my kids bring them home from daycare, but none of them have wiped me out like they have my co-workers. Today's my daughter's third birthday, and tomorrow is my son's first birthday. I love me some babies.

  6. Chris, I think the KB swings were a generous sub (to us, not to you), because you can use the 250M row to recover from the sumo's and pullups. That's what I did. The exertion difference between a 2:10 split and a 1:50 split is expontential, it's not worth the 10 seconds.... you gain a lot more recovery rowing moderately (even though today I couldn't hardly feel my freaking forearms while I was rowing)

  7. Fletcher, my plan was as follows

    Sub 1 min rowing intervals
    2 min for the SDHP
    1 min for the pull-ups

    I kept my pace the whole time and know for a fact I could have busted out some more, maybe even another row and some high pulls. The key is the pace, you got to control yourself. I know that in a competition setting this stratedgy doesn't help me, but when I can game a WOD and pace it out to do something nasty and PR. It's always easier and more doable in intervals and time based blocks. That's the approach I take when it comes to things like this.

    The fact is, anyone can do it with the right pace, but not everyone can front squat 250+ lbs. I still can't game a heavy lift and that's going to plague me as long as I keep slacking off and avoid heavy lifts at all costs. I got a whole lot of work to do, on a whole lot of things, but AMRAP WOD's I usaully do pretty well at because it's all about the pace.

  8. Many days late, but I'm back in the gym after studying for my test all week.

    Did rounds of

    250m row
    15 95# sumos (forgot rep requirement)
    15 PU's

    Total = 5 rounds + 250m row + 5 sumos

    SDLHP's are officially on the list of shittiest lifts right under burpees.


  9. Mike - whattaya mean "forgot rep requirement"? DId you do 15 reps each round of those damn sumos?

    Jacob said he "usually does pretty well" with AMRAPs. Uhhh... yah, you could say that.


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