Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers:

    Had back to back PRs so I cut this one a couple of reps short to leave on a high note.

    135x3,155,175,185,200pr body weight thruster and then 205pr felt great even with sore right shoulder.

  2. Way to go Justin, that's my PR too. I didn't have it today though, 200 went up easy, but 210 felt like a ton, didn't give 205 a try because I new I had alot of work ahead of me still. All and all a good days work.

    Warm Up:
    Thruster 5-5-5

    Shane 60-70-80

    Jacob 95-115-140

    Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    Shane 100-105-110-115-120F-120-125F

    Jacob 150-160-170-180-190-200-210F

    WOD 2:
    Max rep Thruster 95lbs/75lbs, 3 attempts.
    Max rep Glute Ham Sit-ups, 3 attempts.
    Max rep Deadlift 225lbs/185lbs, 3 attemps.
    Rest as needed between attempts.

    Shane (75lbs/185lbs)
    TH 15-15-15
    GH 40-40-40
    DL 11-11-12

    TH 25-21-22
    GH 50-50-50
    DL 19-21-22

  3. No PR's for me today. Still pretty sore from my last workout. Right shoulder was very cracky today for some reason. Maybe the change of weather. It always cracks somewhat anyway.

    Warmup 115x10

    135-155-175-185-190(f)-190(f)-190(tied pr)

  4. Did the thrusters in a 20 minute window which as you all know is not enough time.
    135, 155, 185, 195, 205, 225f, 215
    I know I can get that 225 I've done it before. I had to teach the kids class in 5 minutes and had 3 kids runnin around my rack and of course could not blast the heavy metal that gets me going. The 225 will get done I promise. See ya'll tomorrow

  5. I did a weirdo variation of this, the shoulder is sore from yesterday, so going really heavy several times seemed risky and it was poppin, but I did go for a PR, and didn't make it.

    135x5-165-175-185-205 (failed PR attempt, PR is 200, 185 didn't feel that bad so I went for it), then 150x4, 175x2

    Practiced double unders. Was able to sort of consistently go 1-1-2-1-2, whereas last time I got two DU's in one set rarely. Cannot quite get 3 DU's in one set yet, need to just keep trying! Tomorrow will suck. 21 95 lb sumo's per round?

  6. Myles, what do you weigh, 180 or so? 45 lbs over your BW for a thruster is SICK bro!

  7. Did this one last night after a couple hours of tennis out in the Houston heat and humidity. I was hoping to do the 120 PU/120 dips as well, but didn't have anything left in me after tennis.

    Wall Ball + 45# barbell Thrusters for warm-ups

    135x3, 155, 174, 195, 205, 215(F), 215(F)

    Everything felt really good. I thought I had 215 on the first try, but hit that sticking point right above my head. Barely even got 215 off my chest on the last try. Called it a night.

  8. Fletcher I'm weighing in at a light weight of 172 these days. I will really make an attempt to gain some weight after the main part of the snowboard season. I would like to be 185.


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