Saturday, October 24, 2009

Health Lift 1-1-1-1-1


  1. WODoers: no 455 but shoulder felt better.

  2. Double WOD for me today. Don't have the luxury of Craig's bumpers today and I only have 300# of steel.


  3. Chris, maybe when this comes up you can do 3-3-3-3-3 or something since you only have 300?

  4. Craig that is a good idea, not sure why I didn't do that today. Other than the fact I was pretty whooped from just doing Tommy V. I did start and finish the DL's with a warm up/cool down of 10 reps of 225. Still no where near the 365 I pulled at your gym though.

    Maybe I should of bought bumpers instead of a GHD bench. Oh well the gym is coming along nicely piece by piece.

    Later guys.

  5. Did you get the GHD? I like the idea of you getting a GHD, it's all gotta happen eventually, and now you can do GHDs and BE's and Hip/BE's RX'd! Great for warm-ups too! Bumpers are next, chip away!

  6. Yes I did! The GHD arrived yesterday and I used it today in my warmup. Call me Nostradamus, but tomorrow's WOD has Back Extensions and Situps in it. Do you think 150 is too much for to jump into? Rather ironic we just were kidding about this yesterday. I don't want to get the rhabdo. : )

  7. Chris:

    You won't get the rhabdo from the GHD, but you can make it so laughter and god forbid sneezing, will make you double over in abdominal pain.

  8. Travis and I just did day one of the Olympic lifting cert. It is lots of good info. We spent day one just on the snatch. Learned alot, today is all about the clean and jerk. Keep lifting them weights boys, I'll try to be back at it on monday, 8 ours of snatch lifting gets you kinda tired..?

  9. Hey guys. 385 is my PR, 375 didn't feel that hard, then tried 385 and just couldn't get it. What the??? Why? Did a lot of DL's though overall, working on it.... gotta get 400 by end of year dammit! What is the deal?

    Did a bunch of random warm up stuff then
    205x7 255x3 DL part of warm up

  10. Skipped the deads since I did them earlier in the week, but front squated instead.

    Warm Up: 3-3-3


    WOD 1

    Front Squat 5-4-3-2-1-1-1


    WOD 2

    Complete 6 rounds for time:

    2 Deadlifts, 255lbs
    4 Front Squats, 170lbs
    6 Burpee Pull Ups

    Jacob 6:51

    WOD 3

    3 Rounds for time of:

    15 Burpees
    15 Wall Balls, 20lbs
    Row 15 Calories


  11. I did this one yesterday between the afternoon football game and the Sunday night game. Started with the Michael WOD as a "warm-up."

    225, 275, 315, 365, got kicked out of gym.

  12. Mike, tell us more about you getting kicked out of the gym? Was it for doing heavy deads?

  13. No, just because it was closing time. No drama, just ran out of time.


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