Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just Plain Wrong

5 rounds
15 135# hang squat clean
30 push ups


  1. WODoers:

    I think this is the first time I thought I might break down and cry during a WOD. Also, I counted a power clean in round 3 but did 16 in round four, cause if it is going to suck this bad then it might as well be Rx'd.

    27:13 as rx'd

  2. My fellow masochistic CrossFit compatriots,

    Got out of bed today and fortune was smiling upon me…

    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Thruster, 95lbs

    Jacob 2:32 (PR)

    And the scariest part was that I didn’t feel that bad afterwards, to the point where I did the main site WOD 15 minutes later with 145lbs.

    5 rounds
    15 135# hang squat clean
    30 push ups

    Jacob 16:52 (145lbs)

    Amazing what a little Ben and Jerry’s ice cream can do for you the day before. In all seriousness though, my diet has been spot on lately. More Paleo friendly eating, more freshly prepared foods, fewer carbs as a whole, carbs earlier in the day, more protein, and as far as training goes, more basic weight lifting and old school body building stuff mixed with HIT movements in between sets.

    The only down side is that I know I haven’t been eating enough and am down to around 165lbs. This winter I going to up my intake of food and really try to pack on good lean weight. Shooting for a solid 180lbs by spring.

    Feeling good, feeling fine. Take care everyone.

    Also I posted my Fran WOD up on my blog, check it out!

  3. Felt good on this one tonight. Push-ups got tough in the end. Did them in rounds of 3 with quick rests between towards the end so that I could keep going without completely falling apart.

    I'm sure that your cleans include more of a squat than mine. I'm working on my wrist flexibility so that I can push my elbows out further on the catch. But, it's a work in progress.

    TT = 15:46


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