Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Thursday 091029

50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:Double-undersSit-ups
Post time to comments.
Compare to 090914.


  1. I can't believe it! Miracles do happen. It actually rained here last night. That is the first time since I have been here (almost 4 months) that there has been any actual precipitation. WOW!

    New PR today. 11:25 on Annie

    I was looking back and yesterdays back squats was a new PR as well. I think it does a body good to take some time off once in awhile.

  2. Rest is always a good thing smorey, knowning just when to say when is huge, that's why I'm going to back off on Annie with my calf tendonitis and hit up the 2009 Crossfit Qualifier WOD from Denver.

    7,000lbs Floor to Overhead for time:

    45 Reps floor to overhead, 155lbs

    I wish I would have tackle this weight in Denver, not a single person did it. We all picked lighter weights, but we'll see how it goes.

    Congrats on the PR.

  3. Did this one tonight before the squats. My DU's were good. I've gotten rid of my dependence on the double, single, double routine and can really feel improvements. I hit my first 35 DU's straight through, then the round of 40 and 30 sucked. But, I flew threw 20 and 10. Situps were also tough tonight for some reason. Need to work on that.

    TT = 8:35 - 18 second improvement

  4. Morey: Good to hear from you. Nice Pr's!

    Mike: From one fat kid to another, way to smoke those fuckin double unders.

    WODoers: Yukon fitness is really fast. Got my GHD last night and used it today. It is nice, but no split pad so need to figure out way to do back ex without hurtin Mr. Happy.

    Subbed 1 to 2 ratio of GHsitup to regulars, so did 25,20,15,10,5 Double unders as rx'd went pretty good. TT:13:24

  5. Justin. If you want, I can look at the pad mount bolts of my Legend and you could consider getting one of those pads if it would mount to yours? I bet a spare pad is $$$ though, not sure. I can say that the "man trench" in my pad is excellent. Here is a picture of it

    I was going to get the Yukon too, my buddy Sean has it. It doesn't go long enough for my legs though so I had to spend more money on the Legend unfortunately.

  6. Wow, this one looks pretty damn good too for those who don't have one. Never saw this one before or I would have bought it if it was long enough for me.

  7. No DU's for me, subbed tuck jumps. Not even a comparison I'm sure.

    TT: 7:07

    Justin, how do you like the GHD with the exception of the pad? 200 bucks couldn't beat it. I ordered mine and it was at my door step within 5 days. Back Extensions don't seem to bother me minus the man trench. Save it Craig I know your chomping at the bit about a small penis joke or something. : )

    Peace out fellas.

  8. Chris,

    It is a great deal and a good piece of equipment, very solid. I weigh 200# and it feels great. The shipping was unreal, I think I had my in three days, and I live in the middle of nowhere, 70 miles from the nearest interstate. I am 6' tall and it is just big enough for me, but I can see how it would be too short for Craig. I bet Morey is too tall for one also. I will be doing good mornings until I get the pad figured out though, very uncomfortable for me on the back ex. I would definitely recomend the Yukon though. For me nothing can really sub the great abdominal and leg work of the GHD situp. However, even unweighted good mornings make my lower back and hamstring feel more sore and worked over than back extensions, so I am totally pleased to have this piece of equipment in my garage. Thanks for the good tip Chris.

    Craig: I would have to say my propped up back ex set up might be slightly easier than the actual machine, but they are quite close. Also, the difference could be that I am just not used to how my feet lock into the new machine. I felt I was using more abs and less legs than usual, but time will tell.

    WODoers: I got an olypic bar and plate package from pendelay and added 15 and 10 pound plates to the deal for a total of $700 bucks. It is supposed to be here on the 3rd. I have three hundred pounds of bumpers, which should work for at least a couple more years. I'll be plenty happy to order a couple more bumpers the day my clean and jerk exceeds that. I going to try and fill out the rest of the weight I need with steel plates found a garage sales, cause unless I buy a pet gorilla, I'm not gonna need 400 plus pounds of oly plates.

  9. Justin. It is so great to have a home gym, congratulations!

    Dudes, I was finally able to do double unders two in a row without any singles in the middle, but couldn't ever do more than two. Then in the middle of the 30 rep round my jump rope handle snapped (it's plastic) so I need a new one. Then I got to do tuck jumps, which are SO SO SO much easier for me to do. There really is not fair sub for a double under when you suck at em. I can see where that would be a decent sub if you could whip through double unders. The first 50 DU's alone took me like 5 minutes! I did GHD situps with a formula that resulted in 100 reps. Reps*.5+5 per round.

    Took me forever, like 22 minutes.


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