Saturday, October 3, 2009

Run with your pistols and situps

For time:Run 800 meters
15 left-legged pistols
15 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
12 left-legged pistols
12 right-legged pistols
25 sit-ups
9 right-legged pistols
9 left legged pistols
25 sit-ups
Run 800 meters

Do pistols with 55 lb Kettle bell or dumbbell
(whoever does that RX'd with full ROM is a MAN that I am now gay for)


  1. I'll just come out and say it. I could not do this RX'd with full ROM with 55 lb KB. No way, and I tried it. So I changed this WOD. I did the running and situps (I question whether I should run but I just keep doing it) but instead of the pistols I did 210 lb back squats. I took Rip for his word when he said: "There is simply no other exercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat."

    TT = 18:02. I not so humbly admit that I think I kicked this WOD's ass. Fairly heavy back squats for time is INTENSE.

    My runs were both 5 Min +. I blasted through the squats, only two total very short breaks during all back squats, lots of yelling out loud and my next door neighbors were outside too. They just kind of look over at me.

    Got the final 9 squats unbroken (and the first 12). I could really taste stomach acid and pukey stuff in the back of my throat during the last set up situps but I kept going hard, I didn't really care if I puked or not but it stayed down. My legs were numb for a good two minutes during the start of the last run. It was crazy feeling.

    Just squat your ass off then take of running hard. Who in the world does that? Navy SEALS? CrossFitters? Anyone else?

    Doing CF WODs balls to the wall teaches us more perserverence and mental toughness than we can get hardly anywhere else, and that toughness will carry over into all other areas of life and give us an edge and push us through things of all sorts.

    My friends and family ask me "why do you work out like that, what's the point?"... I try to explain sometimes but they just kind of smirk, I can tell they don't have the heart for it. Most people just don't want to work that hard. If they only knew.

    Another coach Rip quote just for you bad ass blog buddies, all of which whom I was thinking about during that last run, knowing you are out there busting your asses along with me:

    Most of the problems with the bodies and minds of the folks occupying the current culture involve an unwillingness to do anything hard, or anything that they'd rather not do. I applaud your resolve, and I welcome you to the community of people who have decided that EASY will no longer suffice.

    Hoooooooo - RAAAHHHH Coach Rip! Amen!

  2. Craig kick ass post, I thought I was the only one who suffers from CrossFit addiction. Today I decided to try the pistol, minus the kettlebell and only after watching the exercise demo. Watch it, it helped me with technique. It's in the journal preview section.

    These are hard no doubt about it. I did NOT have full ROM on these but I will get there over time. Let's just say I'm still feeling it in my legs almost 12 hours later. Is it just me or have there been some different WOD's lately and some hard ones at that? I love the variety. I use to think they pulled this shit out of their ass right Craig!?! Bottom line this shit works. Period.

    TT: 15:41, no world records but it was fun.

  3. Fletcher I'm just not that into you. I did do this muther fucka RX'd. I saw pistols and thought this sucks, then read the fine print 53lb kb. In a way it made it easy. The weight balances you out a little. Usually I am strong with pistols on my left leg because it's my back leg when I snowboard and am not so good on the right leg. The first 15 were broken in half then after that is was like 2 at a time. Full ROM is tough but if you think like a normal squat and use those glutes it all comes together.
    TT 21:36 RX'd
    And my ass is sore as fuck and probably will be for a few days. Will be doing something different tomorrow because no GHD. I'll let ya know

    Peace out, myles

  4. Fletcher were did you get that last quote it fuckin kicks asssssss
    tell me please

  5. I hate pistols and didn't even want to bother with this one so I subbed.

    This one is named after The now feral squirrel "Squirtle" that my mother and brother raised from birth. He totally loves almonds and was at one time friendly.


    For time:
    800m Run
    30 Over Head Squats, 135lbs/95lbs
    25 Sit-ups, 20lbs
    24 Over Head Squats, 135lbs/95lbs
    25 Sit-ups, 20lbs
    18 Over Head Squats, 135lbs/95lbs
    25 Sit-ups, 20lbs
    800m Run

    Jacob 21:08 (135lbs/+20lbs)
    1st 800m 3:00, 2nd 800m 2:44

    Joey Joe Joe 20:52 (95lbs)
    1st 800m 3:00, 2nd 800m 2:50

  6. Wow.. All you guys kicked serious ass today. Awesome. Myles I cAn't believe you went rx'd. I did a few reps and it was killing me. That quote is from a website full of rippetoe quotes, all of which are saved on my PC. Myles, do something for us. Print it out in huge font and put it on the wall at cf avalanche!! Say hey to weaver. Sure would be nice to hear from him on the blog on occasion. Love your facebook updates. You guys write up some cool wods!

  7. Did this one last night. I couldn't do pistols as Rx'ed, even without weight. So, I did one-legged squats standing on a bench. I dipped down, trying to touch the off leg to the ground.

    TT = 18:34

    Adding pistols to the list of "need to work up to's."


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