Tuesday, October 27, 2009



  1. WODoers: Shoulder not ready for Nate, but it is much improved. I ran a five k today like a giagantic pussy. 24:59.

  2. "Nate"

    Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
    2 Muscle-ups
    4 Handstand Push-ups
    8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

    Jacob 21 Rounds +2 Muscle-ups (PR)

    Will Post the video on the blog today.

    Also my buddy Nate did this WOD with Rx'd Muscle-ups for the first time ever today. Freaking Awesome!

  3. Jacob you are a machine. Nate congrats on doing this RX'd! Justin get that shoulder healed and Fletcher get your family healthy. Did I miss anyone??

    Subbed 6 pull-ups & 6 Ring Dips for the Muscle-ups
    4 Handstand Push-ups
    10 1.5 KB Swings

    11 Rounds(pr)

    Afterwards I practiced muscle-up progressions something I came across in the CF Journal. Someday when my rings are out in the garage I'm going to get me a muscle-up or 2. This subbing shit sucks ass.

    Later guys.

  4. Good job guys. Wanna hear some whiney bitching?

    I struggled mightily with this one today. For one it's like 20 degrees outside so I had heavy hoodie and sweatpants on, for two my shoulders are weeeaaaaak since I hurt the left one early in the year. This is only the 2nd time I've done real HSPU's in like 7 months. I was also nauseated basically from the beginning of this one, I don't know why.

    The most HSPU's I did in a row was 3, and usually it was 1, wait, 1 wait, lots of waiting. So I subbed 6 pullups and 6 ring dips per round and got 7 1/2 rounds. 70 lb KB swings are nasty, but I did all of them unbroken. I am totally convinced that swinging the 2 pood KB 8 times is a lot harder than a 1.5 KB swinging 10-11 times. Tomorrow I squat!

  5. Jacob, I think you're new nickname is Good Christ because every time that I read your WOD's I say, "Good Christ!"

    Did this one last night. HSPU's are still not full ROM, but improving. KB's were tough, but easier than I expected they would be. Subbed 4:1 dips and PU's for MU's.

    6 full rounds + 4 PU's/dips

    Headed to the gym now for squats and Annie. I've been practicing the DU's, so I'm really looking forward to doing Annie.

    Later fellas.

  6. Just checked my August "Nate" against the one I did last night and see that I made almost a full round improvement in about two months. I'm still nowhere near what I should be doing, but I'm happy with the improvement!

  7. I had to take a rest day today because I have pain in my upper buttcheeks where my lower back transitions into my glutes. Those KBS swings in Nate wore my upper @$$ out, wierd.

    Yeah it seems like everyone hit their mark on this one. Practice, practice.

    Keep on keeping on guys.


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