Saturday, February 27, 2010

25 50 75


  1. WODoers: Did this in 26:21. Have a new movement I dubb the man up. 12,25,38 man ups instead of pullup. Man up is one hand on ring other hand on rope, killer stuff.

    Oh yeah last night and this morning were unbelieveable and she doesn't think I'm a wierdo for working out.

  2. Pushups and Pullups were extremely hard in the later rounds. Especially pullups, I could only do a couple at a time.

    TT: 29:16

    Justin nice work on both the WOD and the girl. More importantly the girl.

    Peace out!

  3. Dudes. I did a WOD. This was 48 hours after I did the GHD core killer, so I was at peak soreness and had to skip the situps. I know, what a puss, but seriously my abs are soooore.

    TT = 26:39 without situps. Not such a great time. I haven't done too much WOD'n last 2-3 weeks cos of the knee and that cold I got. Working my way back. Knee is still a bit swollen and sore but the Ortho said air squats are fine so I banged em out. Did this WOD with my wife too, she rocked it. She used chair assist for pullups.

    I started the last round of pullups @ 19 minutes, took me forever to do those at the end, 7:39 to be exact!

  4. Man, you guys killed me on this one today. For me,

    As Rx'ed - TT = 40:25

    I think pull-ups took about half of my total time. Felt good though. Later fellas.

  5. No WOD for me today.

    It was Saturday, which meant ski day, and also I felt beaten to shit after five straight WODs. This is me after all, not Jacob. We had a good hill day though, although I bought it twice - TWICE - on easy CT skiing thanks to nasty wet stuff. It was bad enough that I hit a shit patch of wet snow and heli'd into a pile of Chas-gear-yardsale, trashed my skipants (goodbye nice Marmots), and got heckled by a 12-y-old on the chairlift above me. I won't say what I yelled back at him, suffice it to say that it's good my kid hadn't caught up to me yet.

    Fletcher, good to see you hitting a WOD after the week you've had. BTW, I've been in touch w/ one of my old college rowing coaches, a nasty old Mic who loves to hear that I'm still using my erg. If you like, I can get a bunch of crew-oriented workouts that can kick your ass without fucking up your knee any more. When I was rowing in college, my roommate trained for almost two years w/out most of his ACL (old football injury) and as you'd expect there's a whole world of hurt you can enjoy without any lateral or impact stress.

  6. Yeah, the pull-ups murdered me on this one. It took me longer to do the last 75 pull-ups as it did everything else prior. I stopped at 50 on the last set and knocked out the 75 sit-ups then back fo rhte last 25 pull-ups. The fat fire fighters were looking at me like this guy is an idiot! I just smiled as they continued to wander around the gym looking for something to do. (no offense Safranski)

    Time up to the 75 Pull-up, ~28:??
    TT: 58:07

    Good work on this one boys!!
    Good work on that one Kook!!


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