Friday, February 5, 2010

Heavy Sumo Inverted


  1. Wow. You did 84 135 lb SDHPs? Did you actually touch the bar to your chin every time? I am still not feeling good, but I did go do 5 of these in the garage last night. Pretty damn heavy.

  2. Whassup boys. I took the last cycle off, was travelling and didn't have time. I'm back today though and scared. I'll see how those 135#s feel.

  3. As rx'd.

    Holy fuck that was long. It's nice I can use "as rx'd" on this one because that includes, with heavy emphasis, the "as straight as possible" and "not for time" parts of the rx.

    SDHPs weren't that bad, got each one all the way up, though I did have to break them up in sets of 6-8 for each round. Inverted pulls were a bitch.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We had Angel from CrossFit SF come train with us mid-day today. We
    10 power cleans 165lbs, 1 rope climb
    8 power cleans 165, 2 rope climb....etc 10,1,8,2,6,3,4,4,2,5

    time 15:10

    FIrst wod I have done with multi rope climbs, went well. Angel and Myles power cleaned 225 ouch!

    Ski 3 hours at Squaw! Super fun, some new pow to be had

  6. For those of you doing this Rx'd damn good work guys. Nothing Rx'd for me on this one. 135x84 just wasn't going to happen. Subbed K2E pullups for the hangs and 115# for the SDHP's.

    I'm going to do the DL WOD after my sons lasertag birthday party.


  7. I subbed the K2E's for the inverts as well. Almost all of the sets were broken except the last couple. This one really ate up my grip strength by the time I got to the round of 12. Anyway,

    Not as Rx'ed, TT = 23:53

    Later fellas.


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