Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snatch Max Effort


  1. last PR 150

    135-145-150-155-160-165-170 (PR-getting ugly)

  2. Sorry have been out for awhile. Had to fly back to the States. One of my kids had surgery but all is well. Now back here. Did do the 12 miler on 30 January.

  3. As I started this & thought about it, I realized that I've never done a full-squat snatch WOD before. So this was eye-opening and humbling for me. I ignored the time and just did form work up to 105. Each weight step felt nice & comfortable, I was getting into a good deep catch, then I lost it on one of the 105s and dumped. Totally threw me off. I dropped back to 95 and did, I don't know, probable another 2-3x3 at that.

    Since that didn't do much for me, I followed up w/ last Tuesday's 10x2 BS. I kept it fairly modest, 185# the whole way through, but reading people's comments on what your target weight should be, I felt ok since that's about 75% of my 1RM (240).

    Also did penance for missing so much this past week, and made up 3rds of Thursday's row/clean/thruster. Wicked WOD, even doing only three rds cost me almost 22mins.

    So, nothing to write home about but got some work in. I had to do something this afternoon after watching UConn lose AGAIN...

  4. Chas, sounds like a long afternoon in the basement, way to work!! Strong snatching boys, nice PRs.

    We still have a crew staining, sealing, and lacquering all new trim and (17) doors in our house, so our house smells like a meth lab gone bad. So we're staying at the mother in law's place. I ran over to the house, put my shirt over my mouth and nose (it really is that bad) and ran out of there with my dyna balls and KBs. Chelle and I did this WOD side by side.

    Chelle target = 8 1/2 feet
    Craig target = entire ball had to CLEAR 10 feet
    Chelle ball = 12 lbs
    Craig ball = 20 lbs
    Chelle KB = 12 KG (26 lbs)
    Craig KB = 1 pood

    50 WB
    15 kb snatch left arm, 15 right (chelle 30 KBS)
    40 WB
    12 KB snatch L, 12 R (chelle 24 KBS)
    30 WB
    9 KB Snatch both hands, Chelle 18 KBS
    20 WB
    6 KB snatch L and R, chelle 12 KBS
    10 WB
    3 and 3, Chelle 6

    TT = 14:24, literally a dead tie. I was falling behind but caught up at the end. Doing those high WB's was tough.

    When they say 10 feet, do they mean the middle of the ball goes to the 10 foot line, or the entire ball has to go over 10 foot line. I did the latter, only because I had the chance to. I am going to build a board that is hooked to my roof line at home outside so I can do the true 10 footers. My in-garage cieling is 9'6" so the midline of the ball goes to about 9 feet when it hits the cieling.

    I texted jacob for a word on the games but haven't heard back. I'll post when I hear, or maybe he will?

    later... sorry for the long post. I'm stuck at my mother in law's, so more time

  5. The snatch isn't one of my best lifts. My technique isn't all that great. I guess that comes with practice.

    Max'd out a 145(pr) not real impressive.


  6. From what I can tell it looks like Jacob is in 17th place after today. Not sure what the cut off is to compete tomorrow.

  7. 135, form needs lots of work. Later fellas.


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