Thursday, February 25, 2010

Throw, Climb, Run


  1. WODoers:

    I spent about 1.5 hours cleaning house and doing laudry this a.m. cause have second date with girl tomorrow, and I ended up drinking about 4 cups of coffee while I was doing it, so I had some serious talks with pukie during the rest periods, but in the end he didn't show up.

    Wall ball to 10'6" target 20,18,16,16,18

    L-Rope Climb to 10' 5,5,4,3,3

    Run 400m 1:30,1:45,1:50,1:44,1:38

    With rope climb I started in the L position with hands at head level no jump assist, so I think okay sub but not as tough as full 15'.

    Peace out fellas!

  2. Guys - Had an MRI yesterday, will get the results tomorrow. The swelling has gone down a lot in the last 24 hours.

    This morning I did 5 rounds of 25 GHDs and 20 BEs in 13:49. Felt good to WOD that core to death.

  3. Subbed dead hangs for the rope climbs. WB's 10ft target

    WB 25,25,25,25,25 had about 7 seconds left at the end of each round

    Dead hang PU's - 17,15,12,14,13

    Runs 1:55,1:55,1:53,1:58, 1:53

    I know I can do the runs faster damn treadmill takes too long to come up to speed.

    Later guys

  4. I did:

    1pd KB thrusters 30-30-30-30-30
    Towel PUs 16-16-16-16-16
    500m rows ~1:55 each

    I targeted 30 thrusters the first round, had about 10secs left so I just did that many each round. PUs were mostly the same, got tight though. Thr/PUs killed me for the rows.

    This WOD was not fun after making up Garrett yesterday...

  5. I really enjoyed this one tonight. It was the perfect work load to stay going the whole time, but not feel like you're going to keel over.

    WB's - 16, 17, 18, 18, 18
    Climbs - full 15'+ with feet clamped on rope
    Runs at 8 - 8:15 / mile pace

    Later fellas.

  6. Subbed "Helen" for this today.
    400m run
    21 1.5 pood 60# db swings
    12 pull ups

    TT: 13:40


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