Monday, February 1, 2010

Big Boy Thrusters, MU's, Run

Five rounds for time of: 155 pound Thruster, 5 reps 5 Muscle-ups Run 400m


  1. Dudes.

    Wicked WOD. My only true goal was to be able to do all 5 sets of thrusters unbroken. During the warm-up I did ONE and I dropped it on the way down. That's when I knew things were serious and I needed to shore my mind.

    I accomplished the goal, all 5 sets unbroken, pretty sure full ROM. I know on the down stroke I was getting full ROM because big boy thrusters like this require a full explosion from way down low to work, at least for me.

    TT = 25:52. I am a slow runner, and it was COLD out too! Waaaahhhhhhh!!!! I want my mooooomy!!!

    I subbed 10 CTB pullups and 10 deep ring deeps per round for the MUs. I actually ran too. It was like 12 degrees out so I did this WOD in gloves, hat, and jacket.

    This video shows my thrusters in round 4. It also shows my wife in a robe in the mirror. :-)

    Any comments on form are welcome. I was pretty damn fatigued by then though, but we can't lose form elst we get hurt!

    Later guys

  2. WODoers: As Rx'd, only worse. Five inches of fresh snow, so I did this wod in big old heavy winter boots. The runs sucked ass and the muscle ups got really slow in rounds four and five.

  3. Justin. Your mental fortitude is amazing, inspiring even.

    You could have subbed rowing and most people would have, but nooooo.... you put on some big ass boots and did the WOD that way. Freaking awesome man.

  4. I did the unlucky 7 wod this am
    TT 12:40 or 13:40 I forgot.
    I will be trying this one later sound tough, but first I must go shred the mountain.....

  5. Fletcher keep those elbows high while the bar rest on your chest. Also try to rack the bar up higher on your chest. You look like you are using too much effort on the front squat portion.

  6. Myles, incredible time on the 7's. Thanks for the note on form.

    Guys, on the main site people freak out over the cert's like it's the greatest thing that has ever happened to them. I would consider going, but $1,000??!!? Is it worth it if I have no plans to be a trainer? My wife would never allow it anyway.... but if I were single...

  7. Craig, you are doing fine without the cert. I agree with Myles, elbows high, rest the bar on your delts more, eyes forward always and finish the overhead press more in the frontal plane straight up 90 degrees overhead. (instead of 80 degrees, 10 degrees forward of where you want to be finishing.)

    Myles- Unbelievable time on the 7's, way to be Killer!

  8. Myles, sick time!... Craig, nice video!... Everyone way to go!

    I'm just waking up and am going to hit it up!

  9. Guys, if you pause for a second or two between reps like I do here, but don't set the weight down... would you still consider that "unbroken?"

  10. Brutal WOD. All thrusters were unbroken. I subbed C2B & Ring dips for the Muscle ups. 10 of each. Runs were on the treadmill which sucks because you have to wait for it to get up to speed. Got the work done, but it was a whole bunch of suck.

    TT: 26:22


  11. Well the first 2 WOD's sucked. I pulled a trap muscle and felt like hell warmed over, but the last WOD, despite still dripping sweat from "Glen" was silky smooth. Hit the thrusters without a problem and the run felt like a nice jog in the cold Elgin air. Happy it's over.

    Warm Up: (3:30PM)
    Hang Power Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3

    Jacob 135-145-155-165-175

    WOD #1 (3:50PM)
    Hang Power Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

    Jacob 185-195-205-215-225(F)-225(F)-225(F)

    Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 185-195-205-215-225x1

    WOD #2 (4:15PM)


    15-12-9 reps for time of:
    Push Jerk, 155lbs
    Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 115lbs

    Jacob 4:27 Rx'd

    WOD #3 (4:30PM)
    5 rounds for time of:
    5 Thruster, 155lbs
    5 Muscle-ups
    400m Run

    Jacob 14:23 Rx'd (2:12, 2:38, 2:47, 3:18, 3:18)

    All thrusters unbroken!

  12. Did this thruster madness this afternoon. Decided to make it even harder and do it with 185lbs
    I did 3 rounds unbroken. TT 17:30
    Peace out, Myles

  13. Myles and Jacob, you guys are machines!! Craig, thanks for the post, and thanks to TW and Myles for the notes on form. I could feel myself doing the same things I watched Craig do in his video. So, it shows me where I need to work on form.

    I had a goal of between 5 and 6 minutes on each round. Subbed 3:1 on dips/PU's for MU's (thanks to the Kook Goat be Gone I'm working my way up to full MU's but haven't gotten there yet).

    TT = 29:56

    I had to have come close to reaching my goal as I started out at right at or below 5 on the first round and finished before 30 minutes total.

    Later fellas.


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