Thursday, February 11, 2010

Row Clean Thruster


  1. WODoers:

    I subbed 9 knees to feet snatch style with pvc, but had dump the pvc and swing arms in round 3. I subbed sand bag toss for thruster. Twelve 60# sandbag thruster with 1 foot toss.

    This wod was long and tough. I have no idea if my subs were harder or easiear.

    TT 28:26

  2. Justin, I don't understand the first sub with the PVC. I need help, I am slow.

  3. My metabolism just got conditioned.

    I gave this all I had, still feel shaky and short of breath 20 minutes after. I used Chelle's 33 lb Oly bar for the thrusters so I had to do them a little bit heavier @ 98 lbs.

    Still, not an impressive time. TT = 30:59. 50/50 work/rest time. Just was out of breath man!!! ARGH!!!

    Still catching up from that cold I had so I was going to do the wall ball and LPU WOD, but this looked nastier, and my core is still dang sore from Stephen. Tomorrow I rest, this was WOD#4 in a row and it kicked me good.

  4. WODudes,

    Dreamt up my own WOD that I did with my 8am client. Did a little coaching during it so rest time was maximized.

    5 rounds for time of:
    3- 155lb Push Jerk (from rack)
    6- Pullups (strict)
    9- Kettlebell Swing 70lb

    Was glad to have done the heavy weight on the jerk. Gives good confidence for the games.

  5. I did the midwestern sectional wod this am. It makes me fell like I just did Fran, even had the cough.
    TT 5:29. Try to game this one a little Jacob, seems like an easy one to blow the wod.

  6. First and foremost Jacob good luck this weekend at your sectional. I know you have been training hard dude. Kill it. Myles and Travis I'm not sure when your sectional is but good luck to you guys as well. If I were a little younger I'd give it a go, but at 39, soon to be 40 in July, I think my time has passed.

    Today's WOD was one of the hardest I've done in a long time. I seriously contemplated stopping after 3 rounds. This is my 4th WOD in a row and I am beat. Jacob/Myles/Travis you guys amaze me when you doing several a day.

    No rower and I only have 2 bars so I subbed 20 1.5 pood kb swings for the row. Seemed like a fair sub to me. Everything else RX'd. I was wiped out for a good 30 minutes afterwards. My ears were ringing and the sweat was flowing. Looking forward to a rest day.

    TT: 32:29

    Peace out

  7. What's up fellas? subbed 500m runs for rows. And thrusters weren't real deep, knee was feeling a bit funny.

    TT = 28:59

    Getting kicked out of the gym. Enjoy the rest. Later fellas.

  8. Dudes. On the road again, missed this cycle and I'm not happy about it. This is particularly bad since, and I apologize Craig, I got stuck in Denver the past three days w/ a client without any free time. It's even worse because this kicks off my kid's winter vaca and our plans call for skiing. Back east. Nice to look forward to after sitting in a fucking conf room looking at CO hills.

    Anyway, now I'm back in CT and will at least try to make up today's WOD before heading up to our little northeast hills.

  9. Myles what pointers do you have for the WOD, can use all the help I can get. Awesome time by the way.


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